My dream last night kinda baffles me. Yes, even though I interpret dreams for a living (and have for more than 25 years), I can still be confused and conflicted at times, especially about my own dreams. It's hard to be objective sometimes when observing one’s own nocturnal dramas.
If you care to share your thoughts about this dream, I welcome them. Please post your thoughts and comments on my
Facebook page.
Okay, so, in my dream I was shopping. I had a cart full of stuff, maybe more than one cart. As the checker was ringing up my selections, I suddenly realized that I had to pay for all of this stuff! My next thought was, is there enough money in my account to cover the price of all of this? The total came to something like $505.00. I was shocked. I said to the checker, “I am so sorry but I’ll have to put some of this back.”
In my waking life, the day before, I had been in the grocery store behind a woman who had to make decisions about what to not buy once she saw the total price of her purchase. I so strongly wanted to offer her a few dollars if that would help her. However, my inner voice kept asking me to restrain myself, so as not to embarrass the woman. As it turned out, she was shopping for a neighbor and had added a few things that she thought the woman would enjoy. She, was not willing to kick in a few bucks to cover the cost herself. It was all a bit confusing to me at the time, but my subconscious mind had captured all of it!
Everything you experience becomes fair fodder for your subconscious mind to pull into your dream state, especially fresh things with your current feelings and reactions. That is why I prefer not to watch violent movies, but we can discuss that another time.
Back to my dream, I started looking at the items on the sales counter; much of it was Christmas decoration. In waking life, after a couple of months of arduous debate within my own mind, I have decided to give up a bunch of my 20 boxes of Christmas décor. I love the holidays and love to add cheerful elements to every room of my home. However having moved many times, stored things, no kids at home, no grandchildren on the horizon…it seems ridiculous to continue to cart around this much stuff. I have made the decision, recently to donate and throw away a lot of sparkly red and green stuff.
So! My dream was showing me buying, or wanting to buy stuff I no longer actually want. One item was a nice black turtleneck sweater. Which is what helped me remember the dream, when I went to get dressed this cold, drizzly morning. I remembered the dream while looking for something warm and comfy to wear.
The appropriate question to ask myself is: where in my life am I still buying stuff, or buying into thoughts I no longer want? Wow! Buying seems to me to immediately translate to beliefs. What we “buy into”… beliefs are thoughts that we repeat until they become our truth.
Sometimes they are “programmed” from our family. For instance my dad, who I adored, and still do, (he transitioned in 2011) told me at a very young age that there was no musical talent in our family. I have no idea why my dad said that. Maybe it was because he wasn’t particularly interested in music. Maybe he saw a musician’s life as a difficult one…yet I took it to heart. As an adult I finally took singing lessons and enjoyed that experience very much.
I concluded that my dream was reminding me that I do not have to accept, or buy into, anything I no longer need or want. But I will still recognize what I do want and need.
I will take this advice into my waking life. I hope it will be helpful to you as well.
Until next time, I wish you Sweet Dreams,